LA Layouts

A side project about Los Angeles featuring CSS layouts.


  1. The Park
  2. Bonaventure Hotel
  3. Walt Disney Concert Hall #1
  4. Walt Disney Concert Hall #2
  5. Walt Disney Concert Hall #3
  6. Walt Disney Concert Hall #4
  7. Disney Hall


  1. Santa Monica mountains, color palettes
  2. Swatch color palettes
  3. Santa Monica Mountain Colors
  4. Las Virgenes View Trail
  5. Santa Monica sunset


  1. Santa Monica Pier
  2. Brown Pelican Mural, Venice
  3. LA Ice Rink
  4. Rainbow, For Lemmy
  5. Our days begin and end as stories
  6. Bumblebeelovesyou street Mural, DTLA
  7. Palms Street Art. Women reading book.
  8. Sidewalk art, Arts District, DTLA
  9. LA Noir, Raymond Chandler
  10. Men love Annie. coffee shop art. DTLA
  11. Union Station


People & Events

  1. Liberty and the Heart of LA 2018
  2. cicLAvia street photographer, DTLA
  3. cicLAvia Families, Heart of LA, DTLA
  4. cicLAvia peace sign, Heart of LA, DTLA
  5. ciclavia we love our police, DTLA
  6. Soul of a Nation


  1. Flying into LAX

Art & Museums

  1. Extinction Rebellion street posters
  2. fr unit and image study


  1. Extinction Rebellion street poster and wiki
  2. Extinction Rebellion skull poster
  3. Extinction Rebellion butterfly poster
  4. Extinction Rebellion hourglass poster
  5. Extinction Rebellion global warming dead plant poster
  6. CC Fest, UCLA, Crossroads Schools
  7. Swiss poster
  8. LA Audubon Bird palettes
  9. Easter Bluejay: How to Draw 28 Birds in Harper's Style
  10. Charley Harper, American illustrator
  11. Flock of Blue Jays, Greensock animation
  12. Burrowing Owl: How to Draw 28 Birds in Harper's Style
  13. Interaction of Color, Joseph Albers
  14. Interaction of Color, ver 2
  15. LA Zoo, gorillas